For "lung cancer"
I think I may have heard the word "lung cancer." I'm refers to cancer that can be one of the cancer to the lungs. Person in accordance with this lung cancer is increasing very, Japan is likely to have increased at a rate even though quite a few years.
Lung has become an institution among the functions of the human breath in the first place. We are breathing normally done is taken into the lungs. Oxygen is taken into the body will go from there. At this time, I went into the lungs through the trachea before entering the lungs. It will be incorporated in both the right and left lungs because there are two. I will say that going into the alveoli to separate the oxygen and carbon dioxide going into the bronchi further from there. I'm supposed to say that out of the opening mechanism that is unnecessary and carbon dioxide. There are many alveoli and 200~700 million adults, is called pulmonary alveoli a lot of things that came together. I'm pointing things collectively each cell of said trachea trachea, alveoli, and lung cancer was able to say these lung, bronchus and surrounding lung cancer has become. I think that the cure in the treatment if and early detection is possible, but we are destroying the cancer cells to surrounding cells that become cancerous and we will progress treatment is delayed, the cancer cells I have grown I will be going. Cancer cells are going to become like spread throughout the body and into the blood and lymph. Because lung cancer is a dreadful disease that leads to death the worst, is where I want to try to early detection and treatment. Are desirable to a medical examination on a regular basis to do so. I would like to deal with the right knowledge for lung cancer.