Reason to be lung cancer
Why it Will it become the lung. It may be the largest number of "smoking" as a thing is to be cited as a reason. This smoking has become the favorite food of the adult, it has also become many other diseases that cause not just lung cancer, of course I want to have a causal relationship with cancer. Causal relationship between smoking and high suggests that it comes from the fact that lung cancer is significantly higher probability of smoking in particular. In smokers and non-smokers are said there is a high probability that smokers lung cancer is about 4~5 times, for example. For those who say who smoked a long time ago even if they are not smoke now, but is often considered or not the incidence of same place and non-smokers, I compared with non-smokers from the fact that who smoked also I like different. Say cigarettes are not only lung cancer, smokers have been found in the statistics and also a higher incidence of cancer is also high relevance of small cell carcinoma and squamous cell carcinoma. I think there are many people who smoking even though heavily involved in lung cancer, smokers are able to smoke as it is not hard to stop smoking. I regret to say that many people do not smoke and I had the first time I started the treatment becomes even lung cancer. Probability of cure by the treatment as soon as possible because the larger a jerk, I think not exacerbate that the treatment and examination of the early to the range stop is not allowed to proceed to lung cancer, symptoms, tobacco is that it is a point that does not develop. Although not the only reason to be lung cancer is tobacco, so the fact that you are also heavily involved in tobacco, I would suggest that you think about your own smoking once.