Say that using morphine

Arise pain, pain and develop a terminal condition not only in lung cancer, as well as what I have cancer. There is a method of treatment to use as a method of treatment for morphine to alleviate this suffering even a little. Are often used to reduce the pain of the symptoms of cancer, such as lung cancer, but there is a morphine-like image in said dangerous drug, as a strong analgesic effect very much. By saying that there is a tolerance to morphine and morphine treated for once, the body may become accustomed to the drug, however. I will say that the amount that was used first because the effect disappears, and increases the amount of administration but there is that happens gradually. I had a vague consciousness and, ultimately, will be as they become clouded consciousness is also the drug morphine. But there are also many patients who say not to use morphine to become such a disgusting state, there are many people who would not stand up to use the end of pain. I say that in many cases leading to death also cause difficulty breathing. It is also the only thing that I can not stand to look at to say that die of breathing difficulties, have a difficult time equivalent himself. Is like some people choose to say and I'll make it as it is celebrated at the end I'll be always in such a state to be sleeping with morphine for that. If you use the morphine I will think also for what is called dignity thinking seriously people consult with doctors with the person well, celebrated for what the end is better, How do I do support, and more I think that is a good choice is desired.