For the prevention of lung cancer common
Will I be able to prevent lung cancer what if. First of all we are to understand better to say something, How do I do the treatment, it is possible to early detection, lung cancer and how important how much you to the early treatment before prevention. I think I have decided to refrain from tobacco that can be called on it and cause the most. With respect to tobacco only smokers there is no. Would increase the incidence of lung cancer in its smoke and some people even if there is smoke around non-smokers. I think you're prophylaxis can immediately be first cigarette to smoke so as not to. Circumstances building in Japan that are made now as well with respect to asbestos because unlike the old days, unless such lives in buildings and old houses really might not have to worry too much, there always have your own The building is also might want to look into whether asbestos is likely. If you want to prevent lung cancer in the other, first is to tidy the diet. We would like to continue to prepare the nutrient balance, good to eat. That you like to cut down on salt intake, we will also pay attention to the intake of calories and too much also. I would like to take an active ingredient which is said to eat cruciferous and may be effective in the prevention of lung cancer called glucosinolates and because it includes. That a regular life, I firmly sleep is also important that not sitting up late at night. It is the basic things that make up the body healthy and moderate exercise also. The active sports rather than say, I am good at light exercise walking around. Be effective in preventing lung cancer also increase circulation to move the body. I will continue to try to incorporate the prevention of lung cancer and many of these preventive measures.