Survival rates

I say in recent years, according to a person with cancer is increasing. Have lung cancer, stomach cancer, and breast cancer, and many cancers. If you actually got cancer, I think that you think the survival rate after treatment. For example, is "The 5-year survival rate", it becomes a thing that represents the proportion of people living patient is like any five years after the start of treatment lung cancer lung cancer, even if the state. It is often considered that refers to a state in which the cure say survival rate well, I am pointing that alive even though the state late even for example during treatment, even if you relapse. We often think survival rate five years and is often used as a reference, and are based on five years from place to say if there is no recurrence or metastasis in the past five years, and there is a high probability that the cancer was cured also is like. We also shorten the number of years and years of saying this is bad state. I feel to say the survival rate to be used later if the end of the stage 4 is often one year, for example. I think it would be okay if there generally metastasis recurrence over a period of survival, it is also conceivable that recur in ten years' time I will not necessarily say it okay. Survival rate as a guide only to keep in perception may be the best. I think I know the feeling that feeling "dead" and would have become just like that, because this gun approaching to, and want to get the peace of mind in these survival. I'll keep that in mind as well say that the results give effect mentally big, and I will also hinders the treatment but also vitality.