Reason of non-smoking lung cancer

Although there are reasons for smoking include lung cancer, mainly lung cancer becomes why in addition to it there. I do not think it is "genetic" is of most concern is. I think they are not it become the lung cancer myself absolutely and there are people who have ever made to lung cancer in the family and relatives. It Is not because you're sending a diet and lifestyle, just like in that the concept called inheritance is if there are pros and cons, based on both long life, there are between family happens to it There is a story that says that they have associated with so many genetic. Also, I think that there also be more likely to develop lung cancer as well say the environment of your area, and not easy to do. I think there is also such as air pollution is more urban compared to rural, there is also a view that is referred to as the higher incidence of lung cancer. Who careful because I think I would be good if you are over the age of 40 and age if they meet all of these and even more if you say the higher the incidence of lung cancer. Seek early treatment undergo screening regularly. Had been featured in the news with it one time, I should not say that without thinking lung cancer caused by asbestos. Although asbestos problem that looks as if relaxing times to be covered in the news and take a look at the current situation in Japan because I've lost, it is expected the damage is do not come out in earnest now. Want to be careful because the dangers of asbestos have been featured in various places. There are a variety of reasons for lung cancer than smoking in this manner. Checkup so please take proper treatment also increases the risk becomes slow.